Amy Cole, an ESL Teacher at Bryant Elementary School
"Amy is a problem solver who has a huge, caring heart. She takes care of her students and colleagues. Amy is a voice for students who don't always have a champion in their corner. She is always looking for ways to make her learning meaningful, fun, and relevant. Amy celebrates all her student successes no matter how big or small. We are proud to have her as a Bryant Bear."

Jordan Hanna, an instructional assistant at Nodland Elementary School.
"Jordan’s dedication, positivity, and remarkable flexibility have truly made an impact on the students at Nodland. Her commitment to supporting students and colleagues sets an inspiring example for all. She approaches each day with enthusiasm, creating an uplifting environment that fosters a sense of encouragement and motivation among both students and colleagues. Her ability to maintain a cheerful demeanor, even in challenging situations, is truly commendable. Jordan’s willingness to assist wherever needed, be it providing one-on-one or small group guidance to students or assisting in the classroom, is truly admirable. She consistently strives to ensure the success and well-being of everyone she interacts with. We are so proud of her willingness to wear multiple hats in a given day and that she is part of our Future Raider team!!"

Laura Griffin, a permanent substitute at Loess Hills Computer Programming Elementary School.
"Laura is a great asset at our school. She supports our students not only in the classrooms she works in but also when she sees them in the hallways. Her smile and greetings always make our students feel 'seen!' Her job entails supporting various grade-level teachers, job positions, and all our students. She is always willing to take on a task when needed. Each day brings the chance of a different schedule for her, but she rolls with it to support staff and students and help our school run smoothly. Laura is an all-around positive role model for the Loess Hills community!"

Scott Fuller, bus driver in the transportation department.
"Scott is always willing to help out and assist with training new drivers. The students who ride his bus adore him and he greets them every day with a positive attitude. You can always find Scott saying 'good morning,' 'have a good day,' 'have a nice weekend,' or even giving a fist bump when students get on the bus. Thank you for all you do, Scott!"

Mary Burns, attendance secretary at East High School.
"Mary is the face of the East High office. She has a very busy job in the office and still does her best to spread joy and laughter amongst others. She greets visitors with a smile and callers with her friendly and famous line: “East High, this is Mary.” She makes coming to work fun and entertaining. Winter holidays are her favorite time of year--she starts decorating and spreading cheer right after Halloween. No one is more deserving of December’s Staff Member of the Month than Mary! Thank you for being you! Congratulations Mary!"

Suzanne Cloud, preschool teacher at Morningside STEM Elementary School.
A parent said the following about Mrs. Cloud, "for starters, she teaches pre-K so she’s a rockstar for that. This is also the first year my youngest is attending full weeks of school. At the start, the weeks were already getting long for her, and she was missing home life. However, not a day goes by that Mrs. Cloud doesn’t hold her hand and gets her excited to enter the classroom. This is why there is a special place in our hearts for Mrs. Cloud, not only for signing up to teach pre-K, but for giving us that feeling of peace knowing we do not have to worry while our little one is gone all day."

Kelsey Schoenrock, bookkeeper at North Middle School.
"Kelsey is recognized for all of her hard work and dedication. She ensures classrooms are covered, processes building finances, supports student acknowledgment initiatives, and supports other important building needs as well. Thank you, Kelsey, for all of the great work you do to support North Middle Staff and Students each day!"

Gina Steinhoff, a counselor at Hunt A+ Arts Elementary School.
"Gina works hard every single day to meet the social and emotional needs of students at Hunt A+ Arts. She is caring, patient, and so very helpful to staff and students. She is incredibly knowledgeable, always willing to problem-solve, and assists as best as she can. She is a team player and always strives to improve her counseling strategies to better support our students. We are so lucky to have Mrs. Steinhoff at Hunt A+ Arts Elementary!"

Kelsey Cory and Amy Haneklaus, Title I teachers at Riverside Elementary School.
"Kelsey Cory and Amy Haneklaus work hard with students in reading interventions. These ladies create warm and inviting learning environments where students feel safe to learn and grow. They recently hosted a parent engagement meeting where families were able to read a book about being thankful and then create a thankful chain to bring home. Mrs. Cory and Mrs. Haneklaus are always there to help the other teachers at Riverside as well. They will fill in as substitutes in a classroom if one is needed and they participate in professional learning with all grade-level teachers so that they can support the students at Riverside. We are so grateful for all they do for us at Riverside. Way to go, Mrs. Cory and Mrs. Haneklaus!"

The La Perla Tapatía Instructor group at Irving Dual Language Elementary School (María Guzmán, Yesenia Macías, Inés Cervantes Black, Rosa Estrada, and Esperanza Ruelas).
"These five individuals have spent countless hours recruiting, practicing, designing, and sharing their love for their culture with many students at Irving Dual Language Elementary. They make sure that every student who participates in La Perla Tapatía understands the culture they are representing. The students are encouraged to wear the typical attire as a symbol of pride and strength. Irving Dual Language Elementary, thanks, Sra. Guzmán, Srta. Macías, Miss Ruelas, Mrs. Cervantes Black, and Mrs. Estrada for volunteering to make this group successful!"

Melissa Kellen, a school nurse at Spalding Park Environmental Sciences Elementary School.
"Melissa is in her first year here and she is doing an amazing job. She always has a smile on her face and is willing to help everyone that comes in. We are so thankful for Melissa."
Sharron Wehde, a special education instructional assistant at Leeds Elementary School.
"Ms. Wehde shows her dedication to our students and staff daily with her flexibility and willingness to assist with whatever she can. Ms. Wehde contributes to the productive learning environment of every classroom she is in and always encourages our students to try their best. Ms. Wehde starts each morning with a smile and a 'Good Morning' to all she sees and keeps a positive attitude throughout the entire day. Ms. Wehde’s enthusiasm and dedication help make Leeds Elementary a great place to be!"

Lisa Rhymer, a paraprofessional at West High School.
"Lisa is friendly, always laughing and making others happy. She works with students to help keep them on track for their classes. She is always willing to lend a helping hand. Congratulations Ms. Rhymer. We appreciate you at West High!"

Sarah O'Brien, a math teacher at West Middle School.
"Mrs. O’Brien is committed to her students' math learning. She uses Aleks to set goals and increase her students' math knowledge and provides frequent opportunities for learners to go through station rotations and small groups. She is an integral part of the math professional learning community at the seventh-grade level and building level. In addition to her work in her seventh-grade classroom, she is a member of the Academic Building Leadership Team. We are grateful for her efforts, and her students echo these statements. Math is fun with Mrs. O’Brien!"

Munoz Ruiz, an ELL paraprofessional at East Middle School.
"Mrs. Munoz Ruiz always has a positive and friendly demeanor whenever you interact with her. She does a great job of building relationships with our ELL students and parents by being personal and professional. As our ELL Para, she is such a huge asset to East Middle. She is incredibly helpful with translating during conferences as well as on a daily basis whenever we may need her. We are lucky to have Mrs. Munoz Ruiz here at EMS!"

Kathy Fickett, a special education instructional assistant at North High School.
"Kathy has been a long-time staff member at North High. She truly bleeds red, white, and blue! She is a reliable colleague and is always helping students, even if they are not assigned to her. She wants what is best for all students who attend North High. She is a gem, and we are so lucky to have her at North High.
Kathy has deserved recognition for several years. She always brings a positive attitude and goes above and beyond to get the best from the students she works with. She is also a strong advocate for her students, without diminishing their ability to learn. Kathy is an amazing resource to our school. She is always warm and friendly with the kids in the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) classroom. She does a very nice job keeping student grades/performance in class as a top priority, but also prioritizes her relationship with the students and supporting them in class. That is a very difficult balance to keep, and she does a great job of it. She also keeps a focus on her students doing as much work as possible, suggesting adaptations in class that would be more likely for the students to show their greatest potential. Kathy is a gem, and we are so lucky to have her at North High!"
Barb Murray, an interventionist at Liberty Elementary School.
"Barb hosts 'Bring a Book, Take a Book' each week so our students can have new books to read at home regularly. She collects books throughout the year from donations and by visiting sales, so students have a nice selection to choose from. In her job as an interventionist, she creates relationships with many students, often helping them meet or exceed their learning goals. While working with groups of students, she has helped students with a variety of difficulties make changes that help them learn and grow as students and citizens. We are lucky to have Barb 'Making it Happen!' for our Liberty students!"

Paul Logsdon, Benefits Administrative Assistant.
Paul was nominated by a co-worker for “working diligently on Workers Comp cases and district safety guidelines. Paul is a dedicated and conscientious employee. He is a great asset and valued member of the HR Department.”